

Martin Gebert, currently studying in the Painting studio (led by Vladimír Véla) at the FDU ZČU in Pilsen, subjects the figure to a certain fragmentation. He processes the basic human sign and symbol: the face. Gebert perceives this specific, autonomous interface as a space that naturally provides an unmistakable code that, combined with an economical and clear painting, can define the essence of the message. The viewer finds himself face to face with Gebert's larger-than-life figures in anfas. They appear before him without his will. They linger in the mind like uninvited guests. Their social predestination and inevitable fate were written long ago in the stars. Today's world doesn't give them a chance.

2021–now Painting Studio (leaded by V. Véla), FDU ZČU, Plzeň, CZ
2020–2021 Painting Studio (leaded by A. Ogoun), FDU ZČU, Plzeň, CZ
2016–2020 Secondary School of Design and Art, Book Culture and Economy Náhorní, Praha, CZ

Group Shows:
2024 Grafika roku, Nadace Hollar, Praha, CZ
2024 Alternace, Divadlo Josefa Kajetána Tyla, Plzeň, CZ
2024 Mixér, Depo2015, Plzeň, CZ
2023 Ahoj, Neunburg vorm Wald Oberpfalz, DE
2023 Zítra to budeme vědět, Galerie Ladislava Sutnara, Plzeň, CZ
2023 Dolce sladká tečka, ASI, Plzeň, CZ
2023 Mixér, Depo2015, Plzeň, CZ
2022 Brutalita a její vnitřní melancholie, ASI, Plzeň, CZ
2022 Výběr z hroznů, Depo2015, Plzeň, CZ


Exekutoři / Executors

akryl na plátně
170 x 140 cm

Odcizení / Alienation

akryl na plátně
180 x 140 cm

Sebevražda / Suicide

akryl na plátně
180 x 140 cm

Technomaniak / Technomaniac

akryl na plátně
195 x 120 cm

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