HER painting

A publication summarizing the curator's view of selected authors and their quotations formulating the approach to painting.
Exhibitors: Markéta Bábková, Veronika Gabrielová, Karolína Jelínková, Ester Knapová, Markéta Kolářová, Beata Kurucz, Laura Limbourg, Kateřina Ondrušková, Adriana Sarnová, Gabriela Slaninková, Barbora Valášková
Curator: Petr Vaňous
The term "painting" is feminine, which is why Trafo Gallery chose the name of the exhibition of the youngest Czech painting by recent AVU graduates with the words HER painting. It outlines the generation statement of eleven budding authors, born in the 90s and entering the art scene right now. Most of the selected works move in the interface between personal touching of the world, including the private, sometimes intimate sphere of life, and between the search for expression for hard-to-name emotions, material and social conditions. An essential moment here is the specifically feminine way of sensitivity and criticality, which makes the area of personal experience present against the background of recurring – mundane and extraordinary – rituals and dramas. The statement line of the clash between life assumptions and actual reality is very stimulating.
Text: Petr Vaňous
Production: Blanka Čermáková
Graphic design: Ondřej Šorm
Font: Maison Neue Bold
Photo: Vojtěch Veškrna, Ondřej Rychnavský
Translation: Phil Jones
Text proofs: Tereza Hubáčková
Printing: Tiskárka Helbich, a.s.
Prink run: 250 pcs
Published by Spolek Trafačka as its 29th publication