
Jakub Špaňhel: Venesia

4500 Kč

Bilingual accompanying catalogue for the exhibition by Jakub Špaňhel entitled Venesia supplemented with an introductory word by curator Radek Wohlmuth and an interview with Marie Bordier with the artist.

Texts Radek Wohlmuth
Interview Marie Bordier
Graphic design Jana Vahalíková
Production Blanka Čermáková, Lucie Kropáčová, Šárka Samková
Photography Tomáš Fiala, Martin Polák, Tomáš Rasl
Translation Phil Jones
Text proofs Michal Mráz
Paper Symbol Tatami White 150 g/m2
Typeface Lenora Premium, Arnhem
Print Tiskárna Helbich, a. s.
Print run 400 ks / 400 pcs

Published by Spolek Trafačka as a book no. 49 in cooperation with Torst publishing.

ISBN 978-80-909268-1-3

We thank our partners for supporting Trafo Gallery and Petr Zavadil.