
In his artistic exploration, he traverse the realms of materiality and metaphysics, blending the tangible world with abstract concepts. Central to his work is a fascination with aluminum, a medium that not only embodies humanity’s technological evolution but also serves as a canvas to interrogate the nuances of modernity. Through his spin etching technique, he delve into aluminum’s paradoxical journey from precious rarity to a staple of aerospace and futuristic design, using this transformative narrative to mirror the shifting paradigms of our times.

Simultaneously, his practice extends into the abstract realms of quantum theory and the probabilities of the virtual world. Here, he dissect and depict the fundamental building blocks of our spatiotemporal reality, creating sculptural installations that blend the precision of scientific experimentation with the fluidity of artistic expression. These works, often handcrafted with analogue-based mechanisms and informed by open-source technologies, reflect a deep engagement with developmental design and digital innovation.

The underlying threads that weave through his diverse body of work are the principles of repetition, cyclicity, and minimalism. Whether etching the complex history of aluminum or conceptualizing the intricacies of quantum physics, his art is a testament to the dynamic interplay between the seen and unseen, the historical and the futuristic. It is a journey through the layers of our existence, inviting viewers to a space where science and art converge, each piece a microcosm of the broader quest to understand and express the multifaceted nature of our universe.

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