14.11.2023 – 19.11.2023
Exhibition: ×
František Matoušek
František Matoušek was in 1993 accepted to the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where he studied in Jiří David Studio. He is a founding member of the Luxsus art group (1995-1998), an association of artists from David's studio. He has repeatedly exhibited at the MXM Gallery, the Václav Špála Gallery and the DOX Center for Contemporary Art, where he is currently part of the Hopeful Prospects collective exhibition. As part of his artistic collaboration, he created several works with painter Jakub Špaňhel and clothing designer Monika Drápalová.
Nico na Ibize / Nico on Ibiza
akryl na párané riflovině
175 × 150 cm
Zlatá Geraldina / Golden Geraldine
akryl a sprej na párané riflovině
185 × 145 cm
Francis de Nim
akryl na párané riflovině
34 x 48 cm
A.J. fotí Emu a Jůlii / A.J. taking pictures of Emma and Julia
akryl na párané džínovině
75 x 50 cm
Ana a Geraldina / Ana and Geraldina
akryl a sprej na džínovině
180 x 255 cm
Čtení, nad to není / Reading, it's not over
akryl na vypárané džínovině
70 x 100 cm
Franz a Lucie / Franz and Lucie
akryl na vypárané džínovině
70 x 40 cm